Settling and Looking In

09/04/2018 - 09/11/2018


  • $850.00  -  Cabin, single occupancy
  • $665.00  -  Cabin, double occupancy
  • $575.00  -  Camping / RV


Ser Chö Ösel Ling
96 Horse Ranch Rd
Goldendale, WA
United States of America


A retreat offering guided meditations on a systematic approach to shamatha and vipashyana (calm abiding and insight) practices, with an emphasis on insight meditation.


Settling and Looking In

Tuesday, September 4 (evening) to
Tuesday, September 11 (morning)

This retreat will offer guided meditations on a systematic approach to shamatha and vipashyana (calm abiding and insight) practices, with an emphasis on insight meditation.
As a prerequisite for this retreat, participants must meet one of the following conditions:

  • Completed the Ngondro, foundational practices (100,000 of each)
  • Completed the requirements of the first year of Bokar Rinpoche’s Mahamudra Program, including 90% of daily shamata and 5000 of each foundational practice
  • Have done 400 hours of shamatha (calm abiding) meditation

Participants must be able to attend from the beginning to the end. To support a conducive container for all participants, the retreats will be silent, and by registering you agree to abstain from using mobile phones and the like during the retreat.

Questions can be directed to Lama Eric:

Visit the retreat webpage for more information

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